Sometimes, we just need to say “enough”. It is a matter of self-respect. And self-preservation. Enough wallowing. Enough cookies (for now). Enough TV. Enough mistreatment. Set your boundaries and when something or someone crosses those boundaries, don’t be shy about saying “enough”. Not only will your life be better because those things won’t be a part of your world any more (even if only temporarily), but you will feel a strength and confidence that comes with being in charge of your own life, knowing you are looking out for yourself. You are drawing a line. The line that defines what is ok and not ok in your world.
It is also helpful to know when to say enough work. Time to play. Enough errands. Time to chill at home. Enough stress. Time to relax. When you find yourself saying “enough”, you’ll find an increased balance in your life and an increase in self-respect and, therefore, confidence. Know your limits and don’t be afraid to say “enough”.