Life is now complete!
If you want the large rounded popcorn, you’ll have to hunt down something called “mushroom popcorn”. It pops up bigger and toppings stick better to it than the usual popcorn kernels. You can find mushroom popcorn online at specialty popcorn stores.
1/4 c peanut oil*
1/2 c mushroom popcorn kernels (or regular popcorn kernels)
1/3 c sugar
1/2 t coarse salt
1/4 t salt
In a large pot (a pot as wide as it is tall and with a matching lid), heat oil and three kernels of popcorn over medium-high heat. (The mushroom popcorn needs high heat in order to pop well.) Once the kernels in the oil have popped, you’ll know the oil is hot enough. Stir in remaining popcorn kernels and sugar. Place lid on pot and, with potholders (escaping steam is hot!), shake pot quickly every few seconds while kernels pop for 2-3 minutes. When popping slows to once every few seconds, remove from heat and continue shaking until popping stops. Immediately, and I mean immediately!, pour into bowl. (If you leave popcorn in pan, the sugar will continue to cook and will burn.) Sprinkle popcorn with salts and toss. Serve immediately.
*any high smoke point oil will work . . . peanut, safflower, soy, sunflower, or light olive oil