A tender steak with a gorgeous brown caramelized crust!
1-2 T peanut, canola, or extra light olive oil
2 thick filet mignon steaks, 6-8 oz. each
Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
steak seasoning (optional)
2 t butter
Preheat oven to 350°F. Pat steaks dry using paper towel. Generously season steaks on all sides with salt and pepper or steak seasoning. Heat cast iron skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Cover bottom of skillet with thin layer of vegetable, canola, or extra light olive oil. (To get a nice sear, you’ll want the pan hot which means you’ll want a light oil such as peanut, canola, or extra light olive oil because they have a higher smoke point and thus are better suited for cooking at higher temperatures.) Sear steak for 4 minutes per side. (Leave undisturbed until steak doesn’t stick and releases from the pan surface on its own.) Place skillet in oven 10-20 minutes, depending on desired doneness*. Turn steak once halfway through cooking time. Remove from oven, tent with foil, and let rest 5-10 minutes. This allows the juices to be absorbed back into the meat rather than run onto your plate when cutting the steak. Serve topped with butter. When eating, slice against the grain for the most tender result.
*To test for doneness, insert meat thermometer into steak. Remove from oven when thermometer registers 5-10°F lower than desired doneness as temperature will continue to rise when steak is resting.
Rare (red, cool center) = 110-120°F internal temperature
Medium-Rare (red, warm center) = 120-130°F internal temperature
Medium (pink throughout) = 130-140°F internal temperature
Medium-Well (slight pink center) = 140-150°F internal temperature
Well (brown throughout) = 150-160°F internal temperature